Mail To settings

    You can allow, hold, or delete mail that your users send to a particular host.

Allow mail to host

    Messages expire after __ hours:
    Enter an expiration time for messages sent to this host.

    Relay all SMTP mail via _____:
    Enter the domain for the mail server that will relay this host's mail.

    Warn sender of non-delivery after __ hours:
    Enter a number of hours to wait before sending the user a warning that mail has not been delivered to this host because of a temporary problem (for example, the host is temporarily unavailable).

    Warn Postmaster of non-delivery:
    You can send a copy of non-delivery warnings to the Postmaster account.

Hold mail to host

Delete mail to host

    When this option is selected, if users try to send mail to the host, the mail server deletes the mail and does not send it.

    Notify sender that mail to host is rejected:
    When this option is selected, the user who sent the mail receives a rejection notice when mail is not sent.

    Notify Postmaster:
    If you select this option, the Postmaster account receives a rejection notice when mail is not sent.

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